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NEW Classic Red Bell Jar preserved flower

RM 150.00
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Dimensions: 10cm(D) * (H)15cm

🌼🌼Care Instructions🌼🌼

-Avoid direct sunlight and water
-Place flowers in a cool & dry environment
-Humidity levels best between 40%-60%, -temperature best below 35°C
-If flowers are wet/damp, place in an -air-conditioned area overnight. It will return to its normal state in 4-8 hours.
-An air dehumidifier works excellently for above cases

🌼What are Preserved Flowers?🌼

Preserved Flowers is 100% real flowers! These flowers are preserved from natural, high-quality floral breeds using state-of-the-art technology. This technology allows the flora to maintain its natural beauty, texture and soft natural touch. . Preserved flowers have a general shelf life of 2-3 years. However, if it is stored in a sealed casing; it can last for more than 10 years.

永生花是100%真花 是一种尊贵的花材 也叫保鲜花、国外又叫“永不凋谢的鲜花”。永生花是使经过脱水、脱色、烘干、染色等一系列复杂工序加工而成的,无需浇水及特別打理便可轻松保存2-3年不凋謝! 对花粉敏感可以选择永生花,无论是色泽、形状、手感几乎与鲜花无异,它保持了鲜花的特质,且颜色更为丰富、用途更高

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